Nutrition Coaching for HEALTHY LIVING
From Overeating, Binge Eating, and Emotional Eating to Mindful Eating, Portion Control, and Healthy Relationship with Food in 30 Days or Less
Next Course/Program/Group Begins DATE
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Elementum cras laoreet faucibus elementum augue vel ultrices vitae.
Do you want to learn how to eat for optimal health and not sacrifice your favorite foods?
Are you tired of having to “count calories”, use apps, or focus on “macros”?
Do you want to be able to relax and enjoy yourself when out for dinner with friends or your loved ones?
…and you’re actually committed to finally making the changes you want in your health - yet you get stuck, agitated, and procrastinate when it comes to knowing “what to do”
Or maybe you feel overwhelmed and stressed because you’re trying to do it all yourself… and you’re not an expert when it comes to all things nutrition
Most people who want to better their eating, relationship with food, and habits around food fail because they try and do it themselves & learn short-term principles from people trying to make quick money from them
You’ve been told the lie that “simple” doesn’t work when it comes to nutrition…
…“complex” is better, and “fast, sexy, and complex” is best
It’s not. All that does is keep your wallet light from having to pay for the “new and improved” supplement or nutrition program of an unqualified coach
PROGRAM NAME is different. And # people changed their short-term health & their long-term life for the better.

This is why PROGRAM NAME is Effective

(*$value) Feature #1: Benefit

(*$value) Feature #2: Benefit

(*$value) Feature #3: Benefit

(*$value) Feature #4: Benefit

(*$value) Feature #5: Benefit
Example: ($2,397 Value) Weekly 1:1 Coaching sessions so that you stay focused, are held accountable, and receive real-time feedback to help you move through your sticking points with ease
$X Value for Just
$Price of Program

(*$value) BONUS #1: Benefit

(*$value) BONUS #2: Benefit

(*$value) BONUS #3: Benefit
Example: (*$497 value) 97 Page Recipe Book so that you cook healthy and delicious meals in less than 20 minutes and know exactly what options to choose when you’re on the run at any kind of restaurant or fast-food chain

I’m a BLANK and the founder BUSINESS NAME
Over the # OF YEARS, I’ve helped this many people do this thing and achieve this thing
In this year, I started BUSINESS NAME. Most this kind of person have this problem in their life. I help them do these things so that they get these benefits
(*e.g: Most businessmen have hectic, demanding work schedules. I help them install a customized and sustainable nutrition & recovery plan so they can get back into the best shape of their life)
One-liner sign off (*e.g: With program name, I’m creating a new kind of businessman - the Business Athlete)
It’s Never Been Easier or Simpler
Achieve this outcome in this time period

Step 1: Apply for a Call
Speak 1-on-1 with a PROGRAM NAME Coach to assess what your vision is, where you’re stuck, what the most effective and efficient steps are for your success, and how the PROGRAM NAME Team can support.

Step 2: Make Nutrition Simple, Fun & Easy
No sacrificing your favorite foods. No sacrificing your hobbies. No spending hours in the kitchen or needing to become a Michelin-Star Chef. Sustainability is the answer, and PROGRAM NAME will show you how powerful it is

Step 3: A Sustainable, Healthy Relationship With Food
…say goodbye to feeling guilty or ashamed when you “fall off the bandwagon” as you won’t view it that way, nor will you starve yourself from what your body wants.
Take The Mystery Out Of Optimal Nutrition
…and imagine how fun, easy, and carefree your life will be knowing you’ve always got your nutrition handled